Aula 3
Create a -SPHERE- and a -BOX- to create both shapes for the resulted boolean shape.
-BOX- with 10units of aresta and a -SHPERE- in the center of the box, a little bit bigger than the squeare to become a pretty boolean, that in this progarm its called -SUBTRACT-
This final shape gave us an wireframe-like shape that we going to use to create our animation set.
With the command -ANIPATH- we can create a simple scene.
Point a camera towards a point and rotating it on a standad shape ( in this case, a -circle- ) the animation will be set on a loop for howmany seconds we decided to be.
For the second exercise, it's the objective to modelate an infrastructure in 3D (UHouse from Toyo Ito) with the help of a section and a plan.
We get the drawings for the house on the CAD, and scale them empiracly.
in this case, i used the command -ALIGN- with a line draw on a door of the drawing, and aligned it with a line with a real mesure of a real door ( 0.9m ). Scale with the align et voilá.
We proceed to define the bounds of the house. Aplling the tangents to the x-lines we privously made we can draw a perfect acurrate-to-the-draw circle. After that we going to draw the floor lines so we can create a path to extrude and draw a section so we can define the shape that is gonna be extruded.
Make regions between the -PLINES- so we can create a volume to be extruded, then using a game of -UCS- we place the section wall on the section plane, with that achieved we are all set to do the extrusion in the path of the floor, selecting th object and path and is as easy as a click.
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