Aula 5

 Basicaly we started the class by tracing in 3D a random detailed sextion of a building, with stairs.
Drawing the regular shapes, and then we can extrude them in order to get them as an 3D object.
To round the corners, instead of a bevel, what we do is a -fillet-, select the edges we want et voilá.
its a sum of all we had learned from the beggining of this semester.
The secound part of the class consisted in transforming the work we did, to the AutoDesk 3DMax software, witch is a program with the intention of creatin scenes, and modelate in 3D in a more empirical and arbitrary way.
Creating the first cube is easy, on the creation menu, we create a square with 5000x4000x3000mm. We can ajuste the number of segments horizontaly and verticaly, so we can work with more vertices and edges.
we proceed to erase a face, and put it back on ( but singularly ), with that, we enable the -snap to vertices- and create a surface with the mesures pre-defined. That wall is going to be the resting place of the door. That is going to be achieved by making a boolean modifier on the wall, to create the hole.


