
Aula 9

 This class we are going to prepare a drawing to be or 3D printed [.slt.] or laser cutted ( 2D )[.dxf] to deliver an object worth printing to the shop, first we need to prepare it to it. Check on the website of the chosen printshop the sizes of the machines that gona allow the size of the object. According to the parameters on the site, we compose, in milimeters, the sizes or scale of the object in order to proceed to the print. Its imperative that the mesh is well made, if not the piece will return without being physical, because the printer cannot execute a piece with an broken mesh.

Aula 8

 In this class we going to prepare our 1st exercise to export on autocad to 3d max.

Aula 7

 This class, what we are going to do is animate the scene. Downloading some WAV and JPEGs. The atmosphere is going to be from a bar, when you enter, people start cheering, simple and effective. We are going to apply the 2 WAVs to the 3Dmax in order to give sound to the file. Time passed and we started to shape the insides, by deleting front face and flip it all the others, to make the room, add lights et voilá, we have what we need to creat~e the space. Next we create a target light in order to project the image of the bar we just downloaded to the backwall. After that, we start to animate the story. We move the camera in a path, that gives the sense we are entering the room    

Aula 6

 Continuing the work done previous class, we gotta set the materials for the walls. By downloading a random brick material we can create a standard material of bricks, scaling and rotate it to our like. to do the door we, again, download a random image of an old door, edit on photoshop, to trim the walls. And use it as a material, to create the said door. Next step is do the handle, by lines and lofts. Start by creating an circle at the edge of the door, followed by a line in a shape of an ''L''    

Aula 5

 Basicaly we started the class by tracing in 3D a random detailed sextion of a building, with stairs. Drawing the regular shapes, and then we can extrude them in order to get them as an 3D object. To round the corners, instead of a bevel, what we do is a -fillet-, select the edges we want et voilá. its a sum of all we had learned from the beggining of this semester. The secound part of the class consisted in transforming the work we did, to the AutoDesk 3DMax software, witch is a program with the intention of creatin scenes, and modelate in 3D in a more empirical and arbitrary way. (BLENDER) Creating the first cube is easy, on the creation menu, we create a square with 5000x4000x3000mm. We can ajuste the number of segments horizontaly and verticaly, so we can work with more vertices and edges. we proceed to erase a face, and put it back on ( but singularly ), with that, we enable the -snap to vertices- and create a surface with the mesures pre-defined. That wall is going to be the ...

Aula 4

 keep on working on the last week's dwg, 'UHOUSE'. started to draw in 3D the last wall then, started the real exercise: doing the windows. basicaly is doing some boxes and subtract them off the walls. gotta set the window void on a new layer called 'windows xp' then proceed to subtract. We use an premade autocad sample of a window to fill that void. Go to the website and save the -WINDOW 3D- and a link to the folder where we are working. Then starts a proceedure of doing the walls and subtractions. In essence, we draw a -RECTANG- on the plan, then is gonna be overextended on the extrusion so we can slice the exess. the next process is doing the doors, the same way of the windows. Setting the camera is the next step, using the worldview to set it and how its set.

Aula 3

 Create a -SPHERE- and a -BOX- to create both shapes for the resulted boolean shape. -BOX- with 10units of aresta and a -SHPERE- in the center of the box, a little bit bigger than the squeare to become a pretty boolean, that in this progarm its called -SUBTRACT- This final shape gave us an wireframe-like shape that we going to use to create our animation set. With the command -ANIPATH- we can create a simple scene. Point a camera towards a point and rotating it on a standad shape ( in this case, a -circle- ) the animation will be set on a loop for howmany seconds we decided to be. ---- For the second exercise, it's the objective to modelate an infrastructure in 3D (UHouse from Toyo Ito) with the help of a section and a plan. We get the drawings for the house on the CAD, and scale them empiracly. in this case, i used the command -ALIGN- with a line draw on a door of the drawing, and aligned it with a line with a real mesure of a real door ( 0.9m ). Scale with the align et voilá. We ...